Everything DiSC Workplace EXTRAVAGANZA


As the effects of COVID-19 have shifted from momentary disruption to long-term impact, organizations around the world are faced with a renewed and complex challenge:  How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and “new” reality? 

Everything DiSC® Workplace is a personal development learning experience that equips people with the social and emotional know-how for more effective interactions at work—no matter who or where they are.  By combining the DiSC® assessment with instructor-led training, Everything DiSC helps people better understand themselves, appreciate and value the differences of others, and consistently adapt to the unique needs of each person or situation they encounter. The result is lasting impact.

Free Virtual Showcase

  • Learn about the power of DiSC and how it impacts individuals and organizations

  • Discover the value of strong organizational culture and its connection to success

  • Understand the DiSC styles and characteristics of each

  • Participate in a live Q&A with the showcase presenters

Wednesday, November 17th, 12pm-1pm EST 

Click HERE to register for the Free Virtual Showcase

Profile Workshop

  • Complete your personal DiSC Assessment prior to the workshop

  • Participate in the virtual workshop to understand your findings

  • Learn how you react to other styles

  • Discover new and better strategies to adapt to other styles

Tuesday, December 7th at 11am-4pm EST

Click HERE to register for the Profile Workshop


Qualification Workshop

  • Become Qualified to facilitate virtual and live DiSC workshops in your organization

  • Receive all the facilitation tools (Facilitator guide, PowerPoint deck and EPIC account)

  • Learn about additional coaching reports available to you

  • Learn about the family of additional DiSC Workplace assessments to compliment your Everything DiSC qualification

  • Includes participation in the December 7th Profile Workshop

Tuesday, December 7th at 11am-4pm EST 

Wednesday, December 8th at 10am-4pm EST

Click HERE to register for the Qualification Workshop and the Assessment Workshop


* Want to register multiple people for the Profile or Qualification Workshops?
Call us at (410) 451-2366 or (801) 466-3853 to learn about quantity discounts!


Everything DiSC® Workplace Virtual Showcase

Wednesday November 17, 2021
12pm EST



Everything DiSC® Workplace
Profile Assessment and
Qualification Workshops


Select your workshop below
Once added to cart, complete the prompted registration form and proceed to checkout.

If registering multiple individuals contact Insight Management Consulting 

Choose One:
Register and Add to Cart